
Aniket Das

Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Google Research
ketd@google.com | 1998.aniket.das@gmail.com

About Me

I am a Pre-Doctoral Researcher in the Machine Learning and Optimization (MLO) Team at Google AI, Bangalore. Prior to this, I was an undergraduate at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) double majoring in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics. During my time at IITK and Google, I have been fortunate to learn from an amazing set of mentors (in no particular order) : Praneeth Netrapalli (Google), Dheeraj Nagaraj (Google), Arun Suggala (Google), Michael Muehlebach (MPI-IS), Bernhard Schölkopf (MPI-IS) and Sandeep Juneja (TIFR).

I am applying to PhD positions for the Fall 2024 cycle. Here is a link to my CV


My interests lie at the intersection of Applied Probability, Statistics and Theoretical Computer Science. Specific interests include:


Selected Publications



I like to cook, talk about videogame lore, Evangelion, Kafka and Cioran.

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